Parking Restrictions
We enforce parking restrictions which are defined within the Highway Code.
Please note that the Highway Code provides advice as well as information on the rules (regulations) you must follow, so not all guidance within the code is enforceable.
Please see the section that refers to ‘Wording in the Highway Code’ for an explanation of the differences.
Below, we have shown the most common restrictions to help those who might not be aware of what they mean:
Double Yellow Line
Double yellow lines along the edge of the road mean no waiting at any time. However, you may stop while passengers get into or out of the vehicle and to load and unload, unless there are also loading restrictions.
There is no requirement to erect a sign for a permanent double yellow line restriction.
However, some double yellow line restrictions in Norfolk operate on a seasonal basis, meaning that they will only be enforced during the times specified on the adjoining sign.
Single Yellow Line
Single Yellow Lines along the edge of the road mean you can’t wait during the times shown on the adjacent sign.
However, you may stop while passengers get into or out of the vehicle and to load and unload, unless there are also loading restrictions.
Loading Restrictions
Loading Restrictions are shown by yellow lines on the kerb or at the edge of the carriageway.
They indicate that loading or unloading is prohibited during the times shown on the signs.
Double yellow lines on the kerb mean no loading or unloading at any time.
Bus Lanes
You must not drive or stop in a bus lane during its period of operation.
Taxis and cycles are usually allowed to use bus lanes.
Loading Only Bays
Loading Bays are white ‘bays’ marked with the words ‘Loading only’ and a sign with the white on blue ‘trolley’ symbol.
A sign will show the times when the bay can be used and whether loading and unloading is restricted to certain types of vehicles.
Vehicles may not park here if they are not loading or unloading.
Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
These are zones that indicate that a restriction applies in locations where road markings and/or continuous signage is not desirable.
These are usually to indicate ‘no waiting’ restrictions however signage must always be considered fully by the motorist to identify the restriction at that particular location.
Bus Stop Clearway
You must not park in a bus stop clearway during its period of operation.
In order to enforce a bus stop clearway there must be both the markings on the road and a clear sign on the adjacent post.
Without both of these enforcement action cannot be taken.
Taxi Ranks
You must not park in a taxi rank during its period of operation.
The period of operation will be shown on the adjoining signage.
Parking Bays for Specified Use
You must not park in parking spaces reserved for specific users such as Doctors, Blue Badge holders or residents, unless you are entitled to do so.
Signs will indicate who is allowed to park and when the restrictions are in operation.
School Keep Clear
Keep entrances outside schools clear of stationary vehicles, even if picking up or setting down children.
Pedestrian Crossing Zig-Zags
You must not park on a pedestrian crossing or in the area covered by the zigzag markings.
These markings are installed specifically to maintain pedestrian safety.
Dropped Kerb
Dropped Kerbs are sections of the pavement that have been lowered to allow vehicles to move between roads and properties.
Visit Norfolk County Council’s website for more information on how to apply for a dropped kerb.