Blue Badge

The Blue Badge scheme is a nationwide scheme designed for people with severe mobility problems caused by on-going and substantial visible or non-visible disabilities. It allows them easier access to goods and services.

Blue Badges in Norfolk are issued by Norfolk County Council; they exempt users from certain parking restrictions and give them access to disabled parking spaces.

When you are issued with a Blue Badge you should receive a rights and responsibilities booklet detailing what your badge can and cannot be used for.  If you did not receive a booklet, please click here to access the information you need.


In Norfolk car parks, a blue badge does NOT necessarily entitle the user to free parking and upon entering a car park, users should check where and how their badge can be used and pay for any fees due for their parking.

On-street, in Norfolk, Blue Badge holders may park on a single or double yellow line where there are no kerb markings to signify ‘no loading’ for up to 3 hours providing they display a valid blue badge and correctly set time clock (with their arrival time).

Blue Badge holders can park in most time limited waiting bays and on-street pay and display bays for an unlimited period providing their valid blue badge is clearly displayed in the windscreen.  Users should, however, check the location for signage as local arrangements may differ.

All Blue Badge holders are reminded to check the signage at the parking place on arrival as local arrangements may differ from location to location.

Blue Badge Misuse

The partners of the NPP believe that it is important that only genuine blue badge holders are able to make use of the scheme, as such, blue badge misuse is a criminal offense.

Our Civil Enforcement Officers have the power to inspect and seize a badge if they believe it to be being misused and may also issue a Penalty Charge Notice, if appropriate.

Any Blue Badge misuse/seizure will be reported to the Blue Badge Investigation Unit at Norfolk County Council.